Newsletter Issues – 2013 to 2006

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Issue #138, August 2013

Totten and Eld Inlet Section 319 National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program (NNPSMP) Project

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Issue Issue #137, October 2012

Eagle River Stamp Sand Remediation

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Issue #136, December 2011

Minimum Detectable Change (MDC)

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Issue #135, November 2011

Statistical Analysis for Monotonic Trends

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Issue #134, September 2010

Villanova University Stormwater Best Management Practice National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program Project

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Issue #133, April 2010

Waukegan River Illinois National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program Project

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Issue #132, September 2009

Abandoned Mine Drainage in the Swatara Creek Basin: Streamwater Quality Trends Coinciding with the Return of Fish

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Issue #131, March 2009

The Use of Aquatic Insects to Assess the Effectiveness of Stream Restoration in North Carolina

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Issue #130, December 2008

Stroud Preserve, PA National Monitoring Program Project: Water Quality Functions of a 15-year-old Riparian Forest Buffer System

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Issue #129, September 2008

Lake Pittsfield: Illinois National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program Project

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Issue #128, June 2008

Surface Water Flow Measurements for Water Quality Monitoring Projects

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Issue #127, March 2008

Getting the Most From Volunteer Monitoring

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Issue #126, December 2007

Nutrient Load Reductions and Streambank Stabilization in Oklahoma’s Peacheater Creek Watershed: Successful Implementation of Agricultural BMPs

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Issue #125, August 2007

New York City Watershed: An Eleven-Year Study of the Effectiveness of Agricultural BMPs in Reducing Farm Pollutant Losses

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Issue #124, March 2007

The Effect of Urban Stormwater BMPs on Runoff Temperature in Trout Sensitive Waters

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Issue #123, December 2006

Stream Restoration and Fish in Oregon’s Upper Grand Ronde River System

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Issue #122, August 2006

Lag Time in Water Quality Response to Land Treatment

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Issue #121, May 2006

Walnut Creek, Iowa: The Effects of Land Use Change on Stream Nitrate Concentrations

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Issue #120, February 2006

Jordan Cove Urban Watershed Section 319 National Monitoring Program Project

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